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246 Birch Hill Road
Warner, NH, 03278
United States


No matter which House Chicken you choose, you're sure to have found a super cuddly new friend. Don't see what you're looking for? Give me a holler, I might be able to make the House Chicken of your dreams!

Your Very Own Log with Fuzzy Fungus


Your Very Own Log with Fuzzy Fungus


Are you a lumberjack?  For that matter, are you a journalist or a customer service rep or a graphic designer or a musician or a karate master?  My point is, EVERYONE can appreciate a super awesome, soft and squishy log pillow!  Great to rest your head on at the end of a long day, or to bolster yourself up on when you're watching TV in bed.  

Each log pillow is an individual - fungus never grows the same way twice you know!

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